What is HHW?
Household hazardous waste is "any hazardous waste generated incidental to owning or maintaining a place of residence. Household hazardous waste does not include any waste generated in the course of operating a business at a residence.” (California Health and Safety Code Section 25218.1(e)). There are a lot of common household items that are hazardous and considered hazardous waste when no longer needed. These include paints, automotive fluids, vehicle and household cleaners, drain openers, lawn care products, pest control products, BBQ propane cylinders, and pool care products such as chlorine and acids, to name just a few. The best option is to use all of the product so there is no residual waste to dispose of.
When improperly disposed, household hazardous waste can create a potential risk to people and the environment. Hazardous waste is illegal to dispose of in the trash because they can harm people and the environment. Some household cleaners may be harmful separately or even deadly when combined, such as ammonia and bleach. Many household hazardous waste items can injure trash collection and landfill workers if they are thrown in the trash. Because of these hazards, they must be managed properly by residents. They should bring them to Riverside County Department of Waste Resources' FREE Household Hazardous Waste Collection facilities or events.