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Needles and Sharps Residentially Generated

Sharps and Needles

Beginning on September 1, 2008, state law (Section 118286 of the California Health and Safety Code) makes it illegal to dispose of home-generated sharps waste in the trash or recycling containers, and requires that all sharps waste be transported to a collection center in a sharps container approved by the local enforcement agency.

Home generated sharps must be placed in an approved container and brought to a Sharps Kiosk or Household Hazardous Waste Collection facility or event for FREE disposal, or disposed of at an alternative approved location. Residents can use a store bought biohazard container with a secured lid or make their own approved container using the instructions to the right.  

Section 117671 of the California Health and Safety code defines “home-generated sharps waste” as hypodermic needles, pen needles, intravenous needles, lancets, and other devices that are used to penetrate the skin for the delivery of medications derived from a household, including a multifamily residence or household.

Sharps Disposal Tips!

  • DO NOT bring loose needles or needles in plastic bags to collection sites.

  • DO NOT dispose of sharps in any curbside recycling or waste container.

  • Business or Commercial needles and sharps waste are NOT permitted at these locations.

  • Sharps containers should be 1-gallon in size or smaller in order to fit in the kiosk and HHW collection containers.

Disposal Locations

    • DO NOT bring loose needles or needles in plastic bags to collection sites.

    • DO NOT dispose of sharps in any curbside recycling or waste container.

    • Business or Commercial needles and sharps waste are NOT permitted at these locations.

    • Sharps containers should be 1-gallon in size or smaller in order to fit in the kiosk and HHW collection containers.

    Riverside County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facilities/Events **FREE**

    The Riverside County Department of Waste Resources offers several outlets for Household Hazardous Waste (HHW), including needles and sharps. This service provides residents of Riverside County a FREE and environmentally safe way to properly dispose or recycle household hazardous waste. Click HERE for the HHW Flyer. 

    The Department received a grant from CalRecycle for kiosks to collect home generated sharps at two locations. These kiosks are operated by the Riverside County Department of Waste Resources and are FREE to Riverside County residents only. The Sharps Flyer includes locations and hours for disposal.




    Safe Free Sharps Disposal  .
    Eliminación Segura de Objetos Punzantes
    Additional needle and sharps services are available to residents in the following cities. Proof of residency is required for these services.
    City of Cathedral City 
    (760) 770-0369
    City of Indio
    (760) 625-1815

    City of La Quinta
    (760) 777-7000
    City of Palm Desert
    (760)-346-0611 X342
    City of Riverside
    (951) 826-5311

    Contact your local City Hall for additional Sharps collection programs.

    FREE Mail-Back Containers and Authorized Collection Sites - California Pharmaceutical and Sharps Waste Stewardship Program 

    California has industry-run statewide stewardship programs that provide safe and convenient disposal options for pharmaceutical and home-generated sharps waste at no cost to the consumer.  Visit for information.

    Safe Needle Disposal

    California State - Sharps Disposal Program 

    California Sharps Mail Back

    Safe Medicine Drop

    Hospital or Pharmacy Take Back 

    Please contact your local hospital or pharmacy for more information.



    Waste Guide

    Safe Sharps & Medication Disposal (English / Spanish)

    2025 HHW Schedule - Residents Only (English / Spanish)

    Drop & Shop Flyer (English / Spanish)

    Biohazard Labels

    Business Generated Sharps and Needles


    Make Your Own Sharps Container


    • Use 1-gallon in size or smaller hard sided plastic containers such as a bleach or laundry detergent bottle with a secure lid.  Do not use food product containers.
    • Place a label on both sides of the container that identifies "Biohazard".
    • Place your used needles, syringes, and lancets into the container.
    • When full, secure the lid and tape the container closed.
    • You can print FREE biohazard labels
    • Preprinted labels are available at HHW collection facilities and events or by calling (951) 486-3200


    This information above is offered as a public service in an effort to eliminate illegal and improper waste disposal. As the information may not be comprehensive, the Department encourages the public to research additional companies that are available for the services sought. The companies are not affiliated, endorsed or regulated by the Department. Accordingly, as with any professional service, please confirm the accuracy of the company’s information and request copies or verification of the company's license and/or permits to provide the service, prior to utilizing its services. Under no circumstances, directly or indirectly, shall the Department be held responsible or liable for reliance on this information.  If you would like to include your company on the list, please contact [email protected] or call (951) 486-3200.