Federal Government
- – find websites to different government department
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - information on a very wide range of environmental issues.
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
State Government
- – State of California’s homepage
- California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (Cal Recycle) - information on state legislation regarding waste issues and recycling.
- State Water Resources Control Board
- California Air Resources Board
- California Department of Conservation -provides services and information that promote environmental health, economic vitality, informed land-use decisions and sound management of our state's natural resources
- Department of Finance – find useful demographic and economic data
- California Department of Public Health - provides information on medical waste service providers
- California Department of Toxic Substances Control - information on hazardous waste management, and permitting information for California businesses
- Legislative Counsel – Official Legislative information
- California Law - Search California Codes
Local Government
- Riverside County
- Riverside County - Board of Supervisors
- Riverside County Environmental Health Department - information on business hazardous waste, hauler franchise agreements, restaurant inspections, and other programs relating to the health and safety of people and the environment.
- Riverside County – Purchasing Department
- South Coast Air Quality Management District
- Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District
- Riverside County Flood Control District - information on erosion control and storm water pollution prevention.
- America Recycles Day
- Earth 911 - information for finding recyclers of all items throughout California
- National Recycling Coalition
- Recycle City
Additional recycling and disposal options and links for specific waste types can be found on the Waste Guide.