Business Generated Sharps and Needles
Needles and sharp waste that is generated at a place of business, or as a result for a service provided by a business, must be properly disposed of by the business that generated or collected the waste. Businesses can find medical waste service providers that offer needle and sharp disposal services in the yellow pages.
Riverside County landfills only accept treated sharps waste. The medical waste must be treated with an approved method in compliance with Federal, State and Local laws. The Medical Waste Acceptance Profile Package (Form WM650) is required to be completed by all large quantity medical waste generators wishing to gain or maintain landfill privileges in Riverside County. This package is also required by all large quantity medical waste generator facilities, regardless of location, that have their waste transferred to a solid waste transfer station that delivers the waste for final burial in Riverside County. This package includes a Medical Waste Acceptance Profile sheet, Medical Waste Acceptance Policy Requirements Certification Form and excerpts from Riverside County Ordinance 779. You can obtain a copy of the Medical Waste Acceptance Profile Package (Form WM650) by calling (951) 486-3200 or through email at [email protected]
For residentially generated sharps - please visit the Residentially Generated Sharps and Needles page.