Land Use and Permit Application/Clearance
If you are seeking project approval or are unsure whether your business or multi-family project has been approved, please contact the Riverside County Planning Department at (951) 955-3200.
Once your project is approved, verify permit requirements with the Riverside County Building & Safety Department by calling (951) 955-1800 or visiting
During the permitting process, please contact the Riverside County Department of Waste Resources by calling 951-486-3200 or emailing [email protected] for information about how to comply with the permit requirements relating to the following regulations:
- CalGreen Code - C&D regulations
Riverside County must comply with the California Green Building Standards Code, which includes mandatory C&D recycling. Projects that require a building permit have the potential to generate C&D waste and therefore may be required to complete the following:
Step 2: Waste Reporting Form - Form Cis required upon completion of the project, prior to final inspection and demonstrates the actual quantity of C&D waste recycled.
- AB341 - Mandatory Commercial Recycling, AB1826 - Mandatory Organics Recycling, and AB827 - Front of House Recycling (for businesses and multi-family residential uses only).
Step 3: Design Guidelines for for Refuse/Recyclables Collection and Loading Areas are intended to assist project proponents in identifying space and other design considerations for Refuse/Recyclables Collection and Loading Areas in compliance with AB 1826- Mandatory Organics Recycling, AB 341- Mandatory Commercial Recycling, and SB 1327- California Solid Waste Reuse and Recycling Act of 1991.
This requirement is typically applied to new development projects during the design stage, prior to project approval, for new construction. However, in some cases, this requirement may be applied to existing businesses and multi-family developments seeking building permits that are not in compliance with commercial and organics recycling regulations, as determined by the Recycling Section.
Planning Services Links
Design Guidelines for Refuse and Recyclables Collection and Loading Areas
Construction & Demolition (C&D)
Organics/Composting Facility Compliance
Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan
Land Use and Permit Application/Clearance
Planning Documents (pdf)
Waste Recycling Plan - Form B (English)(Spanish)
Waste Reporting - Form C (English)(Spanish)