Design Guidelines for Refuse and Recyclables Collection and Loading Areas
The Design Guidelines are intended to assist project proponents in identifying space and other design considerations for Refuse/Recyclables Collection and Loading Areas in compliance with AB 1826- Mandatory Organics Recycling, AB 341- Mandatory Commercial Recycling, and SB 1327- California Solid Waste Reuse and Recycling Act of 1991. Compliance with the Guidelines is necessary for obtaining RCDWR clearance for the issuance of a Building Permit. The Design Guidelines can be accessed here.
Planning Services Links
Design Guidelines for Refuse and Recyclables Collection and Loading Areas
Construction & Demolition (C&D)
Organics/Composting Facility Compliance
Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan
Land Use and Permit Application/Clearance
Planning Documents (pdf)
Waste Recycling Plan - Form B (English)(Spanish)
Waste Reporting - Form C (English)(Spanish)