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Grit and Screenings Waste

Grit and screenings wastes are generated from wastewater treatment facilities and consist of larger organic particles, sanitary products, rags, and bits of paper and plastic which is non-digestible through the waste water treatment system.

Disposal Locations

Riverside County Landfills

Riverside County Landfills accept grit and screenings conditionally and on a case by-case basis. This waste requires immediate burial; therefore, the County will not accept this waste stream comingled in solid waste loads (including waste transfer loads from solid waste transfer stations). Generators of this waste must ensure their waste is shipped directly to the County landfill from their facility for immediate burial. All deliveries of grit and screenings must be identified to the Gate Service Assistant at the landfill scale. The County will only accept this waste stream under the following conditions:

  • The waste is tested for heavy metals (CAM 17 Metals) every two years.

  • The test results and a completed Grit and Screenings Questionnaire are submitted to the Riverside County Department of Waste Resources to the attention of "Waste Approval".

  • The waste must not be a hazardous waste or a designated waste.

  • The waste must have a moisture content under 50%, but no less than 20%. Grit and Screening waste which is too wet tends to leak out of its containers onto the landfill scales which creates a health and safety concern. Dry grit and screenings create large dust clouds that impact landfill operations and customers when the material is unloaded and buried. For these reason this waste must be between 20% and 50% moisture content.

  • The waste must be treated with Calcium Hypochlorite, or another equivalent treatment process that will disinfect the material, is approved by the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health (DEH) and the Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCB).

  • The waste is not sewage sludge.

  • The waste is not wastewater sludge.

Locations & hours

Fee schedule:  Hard to Handle disposal rates apply

When this waste stream is delivered to Riverside County landfills untreated and commingled with routine solid waste it creates a health and safety problem for staff and customers. Riverside County Landfill Hazardous Waste Inspectors inspect incoming waste loads to verify the absence of hazardous or otherwise prohibited material in the waste. Hazardous Waste Inspectors have received training in the recognition of common hazardous and prohibited waste, including grit and screenings found comingled in wastes loads.

In the event a Hazardous Waste Inspector suspects the presence of grit and screenings delivered in a routine waste load, out of compliance with these acceptance policies, the waste load will be secured as evidence and referred to environmental law enforcing agencies for cost recovery and possible prosecution.

Waste Guide