Planning Services
Riverside County Department of Waste Resources Planning Section ensures that the Department’s planned and proposed waste management activities and projects are in compliance with applicable Federal, State and local land use and environmental laws, regulations, and ordinances.
Responsibilities of the Planning Section:
- Determine if Department projects will have an impact on the environment and prepare appropriate environmental documentation- Notice of Exemption (NOE), Initial Study (IS), Environmental Impact Report (EIR), etc., in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines;
- Inform governmental decision makers and the public about the potential significant effects of planned and proposed waste management activities/projects;
- Prepare, implement, and monitor mitigation measures or other requirements, per an adopted Mitigation Monitoring Program or per agency requirements and/or permits;
- Secure U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 permits, State Water Resources Control Board 401 Certification, California Department of Fish and Wildlife 1602 Lake/Streambed Alteration Agreement, and other applicable environmental permits;
- Determine consistency with the County’s General Plan, with Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plans (Western Riverside and Coachella Valley), with the Riverside Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan (CIWMP); and other applicable regional plans;
- Ensure that the County is in compliance with the California State Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939) and the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32);
- Review all land-use/development cases processed within the County and issue Conditions of Approval on projects to ensure that Department facilities/assets/programs are protected from incompatible land uses, that adequate space is provided for collection of recyclables, that Waste Recycling Plans (Form B) and Waste Reporting (Form C) are submitted, and that projects will not overburden the solid waste disposal capacity of County facilities;
- Monitor and participate in development of new environmental legislations, rules, and regulations to ensure reasonable applicability, representation, and effectiveness of the new law, rules, and regulations.