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Department Programs and Services

Managing Waste for a Better Tomorrow

Household Hazardous Waste Collection

Household Hazardous Waste Collection

Graffiti Removal

In an effort to improve our communities and eradicate graffiti, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors and the Riverside County Department of Waste Resources have joined forces to provide a graffiti abatement program, GraffitiBusters, to serve all of the County’s unincorporated areas.

Graffiti Removal

Community Clean-Ups

The Riverside County Board of Supervisors and the Riverside County Department of Waste Resources offer FREE Community Clean-Up events throughout the unincorporated areas of the County in an effort to mitigate blight in our communities.

Community Cleanups


The Department of Waste Resources is committed to finding new ways to divert landfill waste through recycling.                                                                                                                           



The Riverside County Department of Waste Resources offers FREE Composting classes throughout the year.  We also have low cost compost bins available to purchase at our classes and headquarters. 



Attend a FREE class and get information about how to build your own worm bin, get instructions on vermicomposting, and learn how to harvest enough worms to start your bin. 


Safe Sharp and Needle Disposal

The Department of Waste Resources offers two (2) Sharp Disposal Kiosk locations, in addition to our FREE permanent and temporary Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facilities and Events

Safe sharp needle disposal

Medication Disposal

Find out how to properly dispose of unwanted medication.                                                                                                                                                                                             

Medication Disposal

Illegal Dumping (IMPACT)

The IMPACT Program was developed in 2002 to address illegal dumping clean-up and blight on County roads.  Please fill out our IMPACT Referral Form to report illegal dumping in your area. 

Illegal Dumping

Green Cleaning

Attend a FREE class and get information about how to make your own cleaning products from less toxic ingredients, many of which you have in your pantry. 

Green Cleaning


Join our team of volunteers and become a resource for your local community by providing your neighbors with the information and tools they need to recycle, compost and manage their waste legally and responsibly. 
