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RivCo Recycles Community Summit

RivCo Recycles Community Summit 2022

NOVEMBER 15, 2022: Businesses

The RivCo Recycles Community Summit kicked off the three-day event with the Business track. Below are the presentations for each segment. 


Legislation Updates with Riverside County Department of Environmental Health

Tier 1 Generator: Albertsons

Food Waste/Food Rescue 101

Intro to Sustainability

NOVEMBER 16, 2022: Residents

The RivCo Recycles Community Summit focused an entire day on everything residents need to know to recycle right! Below are the presentations for each segment. Click here to be redirected to the recording of Day 2.


Apartment Regulations with Riverside County of Environmental Health

Meet your hauler: Burrtec, CR&R, WMI

Community Composting

Intro to Climate Change

NOVEMBER 17, 2022: Schools

The final day of the RivCo Recycles Community Summit had topics for students and educators across the County. We heard first-hand from administrators that highlighted the sustainability efforts of educational institutions at every level. Below are the presentations for each segment. Click here to be redirected to the recording of Day 3. 


SB 1383 School Compliance with CalRecycle

Organics Recycling with UC Riverside

RCC Sustainability Program with Tonya Huff, P.h.D

Composting and Recycling in schools